Perennial herbaceous plant, with graceful flowers that flower in late summer and until late autumn, prolonged and re-blooming, pure white in colour. The elegant stems rise to 60cm, moving in the slightest breeze.
Arbusto erbaceo con base legnosa (riparte dal basso ogni anno raggiungendo i 120-150 cm circa) interessante per la lunga fioritura dalla primavera all’autunno a fiori azzurro-blu, e le foglie glauche aromatiche.
Perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged summer-autumn flowering. This variety is tall and visually striking, with long flower spikes.
Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Bulbous perennial herbaceous species, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped salmon pink flowers; its peculiarity are the leaves, which look like four-leaf clovers, in the center of which there are wavy purple variegations. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in...
The largest and tallest cultivar on the market and early flowering, with white flowers, long-bearing from spring through the summer. Resistant to intense frost. The flowers develop in elongated spikes, with pinkish buds and pure white flowers. For cultivation, good drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil....
Oxalis a fiore bianco puro, ha bulbi che si allargano continuamente. Molto fiorifera forma bei cuscini di campanelline da primavera ad autunno (incredibilmente rifiorente). Meglio se irrigata in modo regolare e senza troppo sole. Foglie ornamentali simili al trifoglio.
Compact sage, incredibly re-flowering from May to September. Very dark purple-blue flowers as in the photo, it attracts butterflies and pollinating insects useful for vegetable garden and garden, for the whole season.
Gaura cultivar with magnificent two-colored flowers, which remains compact and does not exceed about 60 cm. it blooms for a long time from late spring to all summer. It resists intense frost, for cultivation an excellent drainage is the key to success, so gravel, pumice or lapillus mixed in the hole where it is planted; the only thing that can kill them...
Cultivar a fiori bianchi, tappezzante a crescita veloce con piccole fitte foglioline sempreverdi. Può essere usata come prato o come riempi spazio in mezzo a vialetti e mattonelle.
Frost hardy geranium, perennial, magnificent purple leaves form large cushions of fuscia pink flowers with clear throats, from May to frost. It is among the few herbaceous long-lived perennials so incredible remontant.
Butterfly-attracting nectarine perennial, great for cut flowers has showy blooms and provides erosion control. It can be used in low maintenance gardens, perennial borders and on roadsides. Plants contain alkaloids that some species of male butterflies need to make pheromones. The alkaloid content, however, makes the plants bitter and unpleasant to deer...
Vigorous bulbous plant with characteristic fleshy clover-shaped leaves which, with their bright green, form an excellent background for the large, magnificent pink flowers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
"Giant Blue" grows up to 45cm in height. It is similar in appearance to Scabiosa columbari 'Butterfly Blue', but features larger flowers and a more vigorous growth habit. Bushy perennial, it blooms continuously from May to frost. Lavender blue flowers (up to 7 cm in diameter) bloom individually on strong, stiff stems. Each flower features an outer ring of...
Bulbous perennial plant, very late flowering, rustic and resistant. Magnificent light pink trumpet shaped flowers that smell deliciously.
Oxalis with palm-like luxuriant leaves, pink flowers, has continuously enlarging bulbs. Very floriferous, it forms patches of bells from spring to autumn (incredibly re-flowering). It prefers the morning sun. The pots contain various bulbs. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest...
Varietà a forma arbustiva di sedum (altezza massima 40-50 cm), perenne che offre interesse dalla primavera all’autunno. Magnifico fogliame verde glauco, e magnifici fiori stellati che si aprono gradualmente per la fine dell'estate e l'autunno, rosa pallido, che attirano le farfalle
Rare and magnificent shade perennial (similar to Lespedeza thunbergii but much more compact) that bears trifoliate leaves with spikes of flowers up to about 30 cm in length, in total it does not exceed 120 cm. Pale pink / lavender flowers from mid to late summer. The flowers of this species are sweetly scented and are visited by many bees and other...
Tricyrtis are exotic looking plants, native to the Himalayas and East Asia, they grow naturally on forest edges, preferring shade and rich, moist soil. This variety forms a compact tuft of dark green leaves with long arching stems topped with dark buds; white flowers appear similar to "starfish" dotted with blue-violet (the color of the flower can vary...
Among the most re-flowering herbaceous perennials if you take care to remove the faded flowers. Large, simple flowers with jagged petals. Attracts butterflies and is resistant to drought.
Tappezzante sempreverde adatta in zone d'ombra, perfetta come sostituto del prato. Spighe di piccoli fiori bianco-lilla in tarda primavera seguiti da bacche scure.
Perennial plant with very long summer flowering. Round-edged petals form perfect yellow swirls with velvety deep red centers; Delicate, fine foliage adds texture and unusual texture for an interesting contrast to surrounding perennials.
Much more compact perennial than the species, it blooms a long from late spring all summer. The flowers are fuchsia, and the young leaves are purple, which makes it very showy. Great drainage is the key to success, the only thing that can kill them is soggy winter soil. Conversely, they are very resistant to drought and intense sun.
Perennial rhizomatous, with evergreen leaves in mild climates. Where it freezes it completely pushes back from the ground. It resists over -15 ° C despite its exotic appearance. Likes well-drained soil, but watered regularly in the summer. It blooms for a long time in summer until early autumn. The leaves are similar to those of iris, long and thin in the...
Farfugium cultivar with gray green leaves with wavy edges. This showy plant, native to Japan, provides year-round interest as it is evergreen contrary to exotic appearance. The yellow daisy flowers appear in the autumn months. It has a compact growth (about 60x 60cm) and can be easily used both in a container and on the ground, in a semi-shaded place. It...
Dwarf solidago, which does not exceed 50 cm, but vigorous and well branched. The durable flowers are suitable for cutting and attract butterflies. Showy lemon-yellow spikes for a long time: it begins to emerge around August and continues until October.
Anemone perenne erbaceo a lunga e tardiva fioritura, dai fiori bianchi e grandi. Vigoroso, rustico e resistente al freddo.
Bulbous with autumn flowering, with showy flowers due to their lively purple colour, variegated with dark purple. It requires little care, just the foresight of well-drained soil; it should be grown in open ground or in pots with very sunny exposure. The pots contain several mature bulbs. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas.
Anemone perenne erbaceo a lunga e tardiva fioritura, dai fiori rosa chiaro, molto grandi, doppi. Vigoroso, rustico e resistente al freddo.
Anemone perenne erbaceo a lunga e tardiva fioritura, dai fiori rosa intenso doppi. Vigoroso, ma nano, rustico e resistente al freddo.
Filtri (119 products)